Honda Perkenalkan Pelindung Kontrol Traksi

GILAMOTOR.com – Honda akhirnya memperkenalkan pelindung kontrol traksi untuk mencegah terjadinya kecelakaan seperti yang dialami Dani Pedrosa akibat putusnya kabel kontrol traksi karena tersenggol oleh Marc Marquez di balapan seri Aragon.

Akibat putusnya kabel kontrol traksi ban belakang motor Pedrosa, membuatnya terlempar cukup tinggi karena tenaga mesin yang tersalur ke ban tak terkontrol. Tenaga besar itu membuat ban belakang motornya kehilangan traksi.

Akibat kejadian itu, Race Direction memberikan sangsi pengurangan 25 poin di kelas konstruktor walaupun Marc berhasil memenangkan balapan.

Merujuk pada insiden itu, sejak akhir pekan ini Honda pun memperkenalkan pelindung sensor traksi agar tidak ada kejadian serupa ke depannya. Race Direction pun menghimbau kepada tim lainnya agar tidak mengalami kejadian serupa saat balapan.


  1. Dainty yet substantial would be the perfect way to describe these treats, which are actually hollow (see below); while they are light and delicate, they do get a substantive and delicious boost from deep frying, which gives them a flavor something like funnel cake, but with a tantalizingly crunchy texture. When the mixture turns crisp and golden brown, the rosette is removed from the iron and drained on paper towels. While warm, these pastries are usually sprinkled with cinnamon sugar. A nonsweetened batter may be used to make savory rosettes, which can be sprinkled with salt and served as an appetizer. A rosette iron has a long metal rod with a heatproof handle at one end and various decorative shapes (such as a butterfly, heart, star or flower) that can be attached to the other end. When the crisp pastry is pushed off the iron and cooled, it can be filled with a sweet or savory mixture.